Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have questions about how our system works, its benefits, and how it can benefit you, to improve your shopping trolley management processes.

General Questions About QR Tags and System Access

What is this QR code on a shopping trolley?

A QR code on a shopping trolley is part of the QR Lost Notification system. This QR code serves as a unique identifier for the trolley, helping to track and locate it if it's lost or abandoned. When someone scans the QR code with their smartphone, they can instantly report the trolley's location. This information is sent to the retailer or owner, allowing them to efficiently retrieve the trolley. Each QR code is unique, making it easy to identify and manage individual trolleys, and there's no need for additional apps or complex processes. It's a user-friendly and effective solution for trolley management and recovery.

How do I access the system?

Accessing the QR Lost Notification solution is easy. You can click here 'Get Started' to set up a subscription. You will be emailed your login details, and you can start using the software right away. The first 90 days free and you can cancel any time. No locked in contracts. For more help, use our 'Contact Us' form.

Is the system easy to use?

Setting up the QR Lost Notification solution is a breeze. After subscribing, you can list and protect various items, such as shopping trolleys, electronics, and more. Customise settings for different trolley types if needed.

Print and attach QR Tag labels to your trolleys. From there, the system handles everything. It automatically notifies your team of found items' exact locations, finder details, and more for efficient collection, saving you time and costs.

What is a QR Tag?

A QR code, which stands for 'quick response' code, is like a supercharged barcode. While standard barcodes hold information horizontally, QR codes do so both horizontally and vertically, allowing them to store up to 4,269 alphanumeric characters (or 7,089 numeric), over a hundred times more than a standard barcode. QR codes are durable and resilient, readable from any direction, and can withstand up to 30% damage. Reader error correction technology can even reconstruct damaged sections, ensuring they still work.

QR Lost Notification Tags

Each QR Lost Notification QR Tag is unique, with no two printed QR tags being the same. They contain coded information, including a unique user ID, item ID, and 'sub reference' ID. Even when printing the same tag multiple times, each tag has a unique reference number, making it easy to track items independently. The system manages multiple lost items simultaneously, and if an item is lost and scanned, it provides visual Google Maps alerts with all lost items highlighted, showing their exact locations.

Retailer FAQs on Abandoned Trolley Management

I'm not convinced that lost trolleys are a significant problem for my store?

While it may not seem like a pressing issue, lost trolleys can add up over time and result in substantial financial losses. QR Lost Notification is inexpensive and helps you recover trolleys quickly and efficiently, reducing costs and improving the overall shopping experience.

We already have a system in place for trolley recovery.

Our solution is extremely cost-effective, and easily complements any existing system by providing real-time notifications and precise location information of lost abandoned shopping trolleys, making it easier and faster for you to retrieve these lost trolleys. It enhances the effectiveness of any current process and saves you valuable time and resources.

I'm concerned about the ongoing cost of implementing QR Lost Notification.

We understand your financial considerations. The ongoing cost of QR Lost Notification is just $90 per month per store location and there is no capital costs in setting it up. It’s a small investment compared to the potential savings from recovering lost trolleys and minimizing replacement costs, an 83 times ROI is likely a minimum one can achieve with the QR Lost Notification solution. Plus, we offer you the first 30 days free.

We're hesitant to commit to a long-term contract without first trying the solution.

No need to. First, we offer a try-for-free period of 30 days, allowing you to experience the benefits of QR Lost Notification before continuing, and also there is no capital cost required to fully set it up, so you can be up and running at no cost, short of some labels that you can print out in-house. You also have the option to access our monthly subscription and cancel at any time, and there is no contractual obligation in subscribing.

We don't have the technical expertise to implement a new software solution.

QR Lost Notification is designed to be simple and easy to use and implement. Our team can also provide comprehensive support throughout the setup process if required, ensuring a seamless transition and minimal disruption to your daily operations. The setup time in-store can be as little as an hour across the whole store.

Our store is small, and we don't have a significant problem with lost trolleys.

Regardless of store size, lost trolleys can still impact negatively on your bottom line. QR Lost Notification offers an affordable and efficient solution that scales to your needs, helping you recover even a few lost trolleys quickly and effectively, adding back value to your bottom line.

We're worried about customer comments.

Unlike other solutions such as trolley locks which do negatively impact customers' experience, the QR Lost Notification solution has no impact on a customer at all, also by addressing this issue effectively you demonstrate your commitment to your customers in providing a clean and organised shopping environment, which will further enhance customer satisfaction.

We're worried about the additional workload that comes with implementing QR Lost Notification.

There isn’t any additional time required apart from sticking some QR Tags onto the trolleys, once that is done it's quite seamless and self-managing. Also, QR Lost Notification is designed to streamline the trolley recovery process and minimize the workload for your staff. With instant notifications and precise trolley location information, your team can efficiently retrieve lost trolleys, saving time and labour costs, effort, and extra cost benefits like fuel savings.

Implementing a rewards program would be costly for our store.

We understand cost concerns and the need to manage expenses. With the rewards feature in QR Lost Notification, you have full control over the type and value of rewards offered. It can be as simple as small vouchers or discounts that align with your budget. Additionally, the rewards program can be optional, allowing you to decide if and how you want to incentivise reporters. It can be a cost-effective way to encourage customer and community engagement and increase trolley recovery rates.

We're worried that the rewards program might incentivise individuals who repeatedly take the trolleys for personal use.

We understand your concern about rewarding individuals who misuse trolleys. Our rewards program can be designed in a way that encourages responsible reporting while discouraging repeated misuse. Here are some strategies we can implement:

Eligibility Criteria: You can set specific criteria for individuals to be eligible for rewards. For example, they must provide valuable information about the location of abandoned trolleys and not have a history of misusing trolleys themselves.
Limited Rewards: You can limit the number of times an individual can receive rewards within a certain period. This ensures that only genuine reporters are eligible for rewards while discouraging repeated reporting by the same individuals.
Verification Process: We can implement a verification process to confirm the accuracy and validity of the reported information before rewarding individuals. This helps to ensure that rewards are given to those who genuinely assist in trolley recovery.
Community Engagement: You may elect to reward a local organisation each month, instead of individuals. By involving the local community and raising awareness about the importance of responsible reporting, we can encourage a sense of ownership and discourage trolley misuse. This can be done through educational campaigns, community events, or partnerships with local organisations, and we provide support with our Wheelie Good Communities Initative.

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